People often ask me if automated systems work. They are distrustful, some of them cannot even imagine that they could earn more than 2% interest p.a. from the savings account.
I can relate to that.
And the best answer is - the results from live trading.
It has been over 7 months since I have started offering G-Rex for a lease.
The results?
During this time have my clients earned over 40%, to be exact 43,53%.
What does it mean in real numbers?
Well, from 7 500 USD initial investment in July 2015, they had 10 766 USD by the end of January 2016. All commissions, fees, and slippage are included.
That is 3 266 USD net profit per contract.
Without any extra work. And all that with just a 775 USD drawdown.

You might be asking, what is G-Rex? How does it work?
Well, I will not tell you all my secrets, but I can tell you, that G-Rex is based on two very strong, different market conditions.
Each entry condition of the system is suitable for a different type of market. It uses Market Internals, a unique tool that allows the strategy to get an insight into the whole index market and see what the overall tendency is in terms of a trend. This extra filter helps to select only the most favorable conditions for a trade.
The system works with 500 USD stop-loss, and depending on the entry condition, it exits either at the end of the day or on 700 USD profit-target.
Of course, G-Rex has passed high-level robustness tests that are very complex, tough and based on several well-known and proven testing methods, as well as some of my original methods. It has passed series of tests, like Walk Forward Test or Monte Carlo Analysis. This is why I am not afraid to trade my own money in this system. And I want to share this possibility to profit also with you!
To find more information about G-Rex and my other systems, just send an email to Martin Lembak from Striker.com (mlembak@gmail.com), who is the broker running my systems for my clients, and ask him for more details. He will be happy to send you more details.
The expectations (based on backtests) are that G-Rex might achieve +75% profit in 12 months.
Do you want to be part of it?
Remember, money never sleeps and the number of subscribers is limited.
Happy Trading!